Sunday, November 15, 2009

Crow Scrimshaw (Actual)

I finaly recieved my first 3D print of my works from shapeways printers in the Netherlands.The piece is to be a part of my “Day Works”, a series of portrait busts and drawings, which look at human animal archetypes, specifically bird and human hybrids. The image/archetype stems from my early childhood on a farm in Zimbabwe. The image of the Zimbabwe bird was often reproduced in the soap stone sculptures produced by local people and has always been a poignant symbol. As a child in Zimbabwe I grew up with skeletons and taxidermy in people’s homes, all a part of my childhood heritage. The mounting of animal heads and sculptural busts have a similarity in presentation and it’s a need to monumentalise nature and create totems of remembrance that I explore with these and other works.
I have always felt an affinity to animal symbolism in Jungian psychology – there has always been an underlying mythological, animal theme to my art.

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