Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Unseen man pieces:

The UnseenMan:

The piece consists of two sculptures which is part of an ongoing series of digital sculpts looking at aspects of human anatomy, the piece is based off of photogrammetry data of a hominid skull that I shot/captured in the Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford.
The concept for this piece, stems from the fact that the skull is very recognisable to us (along with its associated macabre stereotypes), but if we displace or shift the skull to a differing angle and yet still place the skull on a body, it becomes quiet alien and other worldly.

I have had the sculpts printed through Shapeways in the Netherlands - all to be part of my exhibition which will take place in June here in Brisbane.

1 comment:

Reslie said...

Wow it looked kinda creepy til I looked more closely. Awesome job!