Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Intro: Key topology areas

Intro: Key areas of deformation. (2mins 34 sec)

Shoulder/Chest Area.(2mins 58 sec)

(Very rough pass video cuts of modeling for deformation- feedback welcomed)
The first vid is an intro to areas to be covered in the full tut series, the second video is a run down on "traditional modeling" techniques for the chest/shoulder area-(to be updated with a more conceptual topology flow video of the funnel crossed with a cape concept).

First pass concept vid of the "Funnel" flow concept in action.


Anonymous said...

Very helpful, particularly the funnel flow concept video. I had never thought of creating the initial shoulder/chest topo using two cylinders that way. Clear and concise.

mowg said...

Good one J, I'll have to pay more attention in case I need to teach some 3D next year. MB.

Muddus. said...

You make it all look so easy. How come we were never tought this method?