Sunday, September 30, 2007


Update on the virtual model-
Starting to fill in his features- I overlaid the drawing to compare where I need to update and change the sections - pretty much as I did with the clay sculpture.

Analog/Actual -Finished

Saturday afternoon 29_09_07 _ Yes!!!!
I have finished the clay bust- it is now drying in its cupboard. It was successful as an experiment on the analysis of the medium of clay - successful since I had never sculpted a bust in clay before.

Really liked working with the paper based clay (its a very forgiving clay for noobs)- Even though in the end the sculpt is no longer a portrait image of David- as I rushed the working in of his eyes and lost his key features and proportions in the process.
Doing this exercise has certainly given me a better understanding of working with clay- and I really enjoy working with it- except for the fact there is no Crtl+Z in the physical world and that have to keep the clay wet. though next time I will work a little more loosely and to larger scale -which to me is the more fun aspect of clay.

I had a great time making a mess- I will be making more soon.
Though I will be looking into using sculpty or some other equivalent in the next physical(From now on I will be using the term actual) sculpt.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Analog Update Monday 24_09_07: From left to right- Busy reworking the back of the neck area as I was working in the clay a little to thin which resulted in me beginning to lose the supporting clay on the neck. So I reworked the base armature. Then went onto working in more detail such as adding the bulge of the eyes, reworking the ears and started on the hair detail

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Slowing moving out from the blocking stage- just one thing to mention- good thing I am not planning on firing the bust as I am sure there are loads of air bubbles.

I am now at the stage of reworking and removing bits of clay that I don't need from the bust, which still need loads of work but the paper based clay is a pleasure to work with. I have all the reference up - now just have to get it looking like him.
(easier said than done as one can see from the images below).
Above: Just realized where I am not putting the correct volumes of clay- as one can see from the un -overlayed version below.

After looking at the the photos I have put up I realise just how unsymmetrical my model is- I have also notice that the best way to get the volumes right (for me) its to close my eyes and feel the volumes of the face- which I obviously cannot do on the Mudbox version -an avantage- also its just great to feel the flesh of ones work so to speak.

Things I do miss from working in the virtual/digital- Control z, symmetry on tools, free camera rotate - that way I can work from any angle.....

Things I don't miss from digital - NO tactile aspects.....For me sculpture is not just about seeing its about touching feeling the piece.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Process : Digital_KAS

1 I'm using the pre-built ready made mesh "here is something I made earlier" method- so I start with a base mesh that I have used before in other Mudbox sketches.
2-3 Refinement of mesh, adding extra rows and rough blocking out of head shape.Rescaling and re-positioning of nose and ears.
4 Adding of eyes and completion of blocking out. (At this stage it doesn't look like the subject matter Dave)
5 The mesh exported as an .obj which is the subdivided in Mudbox ready for actual sculpting

Above: Additional reference image with simplified line work.

Space and Process : Analog_KAS

I have just to say thanks to Ian and Charles for arranging me the space at QUT - I love it its great to get a space where I can think and make a mess. I have started personalizing the space -even if I get kicked out in a couple of months or so I want to be inspired so I am gonna stick up pics up of whats out there.

Hell the space is bigger than the unit I live in- Fan-bloody -tastic!!!

Analog Process:
1- Tools: Basic students pottery kit, paper based clay as its seen as stupid proof, spray for wetting clay,wire for armatures, brushes and sponges for something.
2- Base Structure : made up from paper trash and coffee cup found in the studio, I also use a an bit of wire for support -all of which will be removed from the sculpt when dry.
3- Underlying support/armature :hopefully my clay slaps that I put over this will not collapse and crack
4-Beer and thoughts: Cheers to my neighbor

Now I just have to pull this baby off

Table sketches: Just some arbitrary sketches I did on the table.
I am doing the "hey I 'm an artist so I can!" thing...WOOT! - Cynicism aside I did feel comfortable in the space/ who knows I may get some things done after all.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Notes on exercise:_KAS

I will make the same artefact twice

Initial concepts: a bust of a person - David Kassan came to mid as I had promised to make a sculpture based on him. A sculpture referencing skeletal anatomy images of birds and predators. (Xeno biology?)

What do I want to analyse?

Which piece do I make first?

Process- Technique

In Mudbox (Virtual) and in Clay (Analog)

Process- Creative approach

Virtual- Ease of use and familiarity

Analog- tactile-ness of working with clay

Why am I doing this exercise- to find out in which medium I am more comfortable, what are the differences in the mediums.

Though in both cases the end result is a sculpture.

Documentation- Journalise my process through this blog- which will then be used as a basis of an essay for my “Approaches to Enquiry”. (2000 words)

Journalise and create pieces up to week 2
Rough draft of essay submitted to supervisor’s week 3
Submit end of week 4 (Week 10- Wednesday 10October)

Subject matter for first study:_KAS

I will be finally getting around to doing what I said I would - creating a sculpture (bust) of David Kassan- who re-introduced me to the art of oil painting at a workshop that I did over here in Australia. (see my sketch blog for weekend info).
David is a New York based artist, more info on David here-

I will be creating
1X Virtual(mudbox) and 1XPhysical(clay).
The above image will be used as a basis of his sculpt, I will also be looking at his self portraits for inspiration/reference + couple of crappy sketches I did of him while on the workshop.

Till then.